My Works
Polygon Amoy , web3 Chat Application

Polygon Amoy , web3 Chat Application

July 2024

Developed a state-of-the-art Web3 chat application deployed on the Polygon Amoy testnet. The application ensures secure communication through blockchain technology, utilizing Polygon Amoy tokens for registration and messaging

Polygon Amoy testnetNext.js (v14.2.4)React (v18.3.1)React-DOM (v18.3.1)TailwindCSS (v3.4.1)PostCSS (v8)Ethers.js (v6.13.1)Web3Modal (v1.9.12)Hardhat (v2.22.5)Javascript


Jun 2023 - Aug 2023

I'm developing an NFT marketplace using an API, enabling users to easily create, trade, and purchase unique digital assets as NFTs. The API integration ensures secure authentication, seamless minting of NFTs through blockchain, and smooth user transactions. This project aims to simplify the NFT experience for artists and collectors, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of digital ownership and creativity.

JavascriptAWSEslintReact JsMongoDbNode JsNext JsExpress JsRedux
IPhone 15 Pro Web Page

IPhone 15 Pro Web Page

March 2024

Implemented captivating animations and immersive 3D graphics in React.js using GSAP and Three.js, enhancing user experience..

React JsGSAPThree.jsjavascript
Todo App Using Firbase Authontication & Database

Todo App Using Firbase Authontication & Database

April 2024

Designed and developed the Todo Web page, a web page Operate Each user personal task . Implemented key features such as task tracking, task updatation, and task tracking.Beat part is Authontication using Firebase also Use of Database integaration of Firebasr Firestore. The plan is to add a user friendly Todo App using Google authontication which make it simple to use.

Next JsFirebase AuthonticationFirebase Firstore DatabaseNode JsTailwind
Random Gif Generator

Random Gif Generator

Mar 22024

Generator GIFS as per user mention words using API call.It Simple and beautifully design for every users.Tech use lie React Js,Tailwind

React JsExpress JsTailwind CssAPIGIF
Buy Coffee for Me

Buy Coffee for Me

June 2024

This project combines my passion for blockchain with a practical, real-world application. Whether you're a crypto enthusiast or simply love your daily caffeine fix, Buy Coffee for Me brings a refreshing twist to how we transact online.

Hardhat v2.22.5NextJs 14ethers v6Solidity v0.8.24tailwind css